entrepreneurs and business organizations

We provide solutions to every type of company irrespective of their industry, location, size or growth level.

Our programs support
- Professionals
- Startups
- Early-stage companies
- Established organizations


We act as a bridge between innovative and valuable ventures and investors. With a huge influx of startups, it is both difficult and time consuming for potential investors to search, evaluate and maintain a pipeline of investment worthy opportunities. Our programs serve as nurturing ground for businesses and prepare them to be placed in front of potential investors.

We work with angel investors, high net worth individuals, investment banks and funds and help them connect with profitable investment opportunities.

We also develop and operate industry specific programs to attract new ideas in specific industries based on investment preferences of investors. After incubation and business structuring phase we present these businesses exclusively to the sponsors.


ZAYNA Ventures maintain a pool of mentors who participate in our mentorship activities under Incubation and Acceleration programs. Our mentors are celebrated leaders including successful entrepreneurs, seasoned professionals specializing in their respective fields, and insightful academicians. Our mentors come from different parts of the world and are one of the most valuable assets of our organization.

Regional Representatives

ZAYNA Ventures’ regional representatives are like-minded organizations that work towards promoting entrepreneurship and business activities. They work with ZAYNA in specific markets to provide a localized experience to our partners and clients while adhering to our global standards.

We believe in creating value through developing partnerships and continue to expand our reach across different countries.

service providers

ZAYNA Ventures provides one-stop solutions to partners and clients. This is done through utilization of both internal and external resources. We provide high quality support and in doing so, we partner with specialized service providers operating in specific countries or at a global scale. We engage with organizations that have the capability and capacity to provide services in line with our standards.

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